What is the Admisure Coaching Platform?

About Platform

The world around us has evolved in the recent century so much, that the old methods of education are just out of place. We dreamed to🤔 build a platform that can bring education online💻 and build a closer bond between teachers👩‍🏫 and students.

We have created Admisure with a vision of bringing teachers and students together over our online platform. Admisure is a unique Web Marketplace, where educators from all over India can create and sell their educational products.🚀

How does Admisure facilitate Educators & Coaching Institutes?

  • Coaching and Educators no longer require a geopolitical set-up to educate students.

  • Educators get a platform where they can create template-based tests.

  • A template-based test will enable you to facilitate your students with the experience of attempting a test in a real exam interface before they actually attempt the exam. This will keep them ready to face their actual exam.

  • Replace your outdated offline teaching methods with interesting online educating options.

    • You can create and sell unlimited Test Packages pan India.

    • You can create a Practice Set instead of creating a boring booklet consisting of a multitude of pages.

    • You can create interactive Quizzes instead of creating DPP & CPP for your students.

  • You can reach millions of students 👍 from all over India with just a click of the mouse by creating a public profile for your coaching.

  • Admisure facilitates you to connect and build a community of students which will help you in building your brand absolutely free of cost.

  • We also facilitate educator and coaching institutes with free search engine optimization solutions for better online visibility.

How does Admisure facilitate Students? 👩‍🎓

  • Students 👨‍🎓 from all over India can gather and get benefited from tests, practice sets, and quizzes, created by eminent mentors and educators 📖 promising unmatched quality.

  • They can get access to premium content created by eminent educators pan India which would boost their chances of getting selected.

  • The wide range of budget-friendly💰educational products at Admisure has facilitated students with options to compare and choose products, addressing their precise requirements.

Promise Of Quality 🏆

Although Admisure is an open marketplace for anyone to walk in and begin their journey. We also ensure the quality of our products by dedicating a review 👨‍💻team. We keenly scrutinize 🕵️each product before making them available for the use of the students. We are constantly coordinating with Educators and Coaching institutes to bring out the best product on our platform. 👍

Difference between Individual Educators and Coaching Institute:

Individuals who provide training and assistance to students, by preparing study material or by conducting tests are called Educators.

Organizations that provide training and assistance to students in large number, having dedicated faculties to prepare study material and to conduct classroom tests are called coaching institutes.

However, at Admisure both Individual Educator or Coaching Institute work in the exact same way. Enjoys the same website features and earning scope.

Last updated

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