
Customize Page View.

There are sub-pages within the My Coaching page.📃 You will see the name of sub-pages in a bar below the coaching institute’s information section. The very first option is Home. Home represents the very 1st page itself that is visible when you open the My Coaching page.

You can create sections and sub-sections as per your choice on this page. This page is there basically to display your product as you want.

Note: Any changes made in your coaching page, like adding or removing product will directly be reflected in your Home section of the My Coaching page.

Do you know your My Coaching Home page will have Auto-Generated sections?

The section would contain three options, Trending, Highest Rated & Most Attempted.

Trending: Would show the popular most products like Test Series, Practice sets and Quizzes, that has the max number of the purchase, attempts and ratings.

Highest Rated: These are products like Test Series, Practice sets and Quizzes, that has the best rating given by students.

Most Attempted: Ar ethe products like Test Series, Practice sets and Quizzes, that has the maximum number of attempts.

Managing Sections

Adding as many sections you want within the Home of My coaching is completely within your control. However, we suggest keeping separate sections to display different types of products, so that the aspirant finds it easy 😀 to view the products.

You will view the sections in the exact order you have defined while creating them. For adding the very first section you will not need to choose display order as that would be the only section available on the page.📄

Steps To Add A Section

  • Click on the Add New Section button. 🔼At the bottom right-hand corner below the social media share buttons. A pop-up will appear once you click 🖱️on the button.

  • Enter a name in the Section Name field.

  • You can define the display order 📂of the section by clicking on the Display Order field. Select a number for the section to be displayed.

  • If you have filled in all the details click on the Add & Next 🔼button, and your section will be created. However, you will reach the next page to add a product within your section.

  • You may choose to add a product then and there or if you want to see the section in your public profile first click on cancel.

  • You will find your section on the home page of🏠My Coaching.

Note: Kindly follow the Steps to Add A Product To A Section to know how you can add a product.

Steps To Edit Sections

You can edit the section that you have already created.

  • Hover 🐝 your cursor over the section name you will find there is a pencil icon ✏️ and a delete 🚮 icon.

  • Click on the pencil icon ✏️ you will get a pop-up to make changes in the name and display order of that particular section.

  • You can make necessary changes and click on the Update button to save changes. 📥

Steps To Delete Section

  • If you, want to delete the section click on the delete icon 🚮 beside the pencil icon. ✏️

  • You will reach a pop-up confirming if you want to delete it.

  • If you, click on Yes Remove It the section will not be available on the page.

  • However, if there are products added to that section you will have to remove all the products from the section first and then remove the section, or else you won't be able to remove it.

    • You will see and an error message 🚫 if you try to delete a section without removing products from it.

    • The error message would be “section couldn’t be removed because it has products added to it”.

    • The error message 🚫 would be indicated at the top right-hand corner of the page.

Managing Products

Each section will have the Add New Product button 🔼 at the right-hand top of it. You can use this button to add as many products as you want to that particular section.

Steps To Add New Product To A Section

  • To add a product to the section you have just created, click on Add New Product button. 📦A new pop-up will opens-up you can add a product 📦 within your section from it.

  • Select the product type from the drop-down; Test Series, Practice Sets, Quiz drop-down will have product type automatically configured according to the name of the Section.

  • Post selecting the product type choose the Product.

  • Select the product name from under the Product field.

  • Next, you have to define the display order. However, if you are adding a product to your newly created section for the first time you will not be able to define the display order as that would be the only product available under the new section.

  • If you, add more products 📦 to the section you will be able to define the display order.

Note: You can only add the product of a selected product type within the section. If you want to add a different kind of product you have to remove all the product and edit the product type to change the nature of the product you want to add.

Editing & Navigating Through Products Added To Sections

As you, go on adding products to a particular section you will keep on seeing a list of the display order number. You can select any of the display order numbers to show the product in a particular position.

Apart from that you can also drag and drop ➡️ your product on a particular position after adding them to a particular section.

If you, have added multiple products and are not visible in the list under a particular you can view the products by using the back and forward 🔛 navigation arrows provided at the top of 👉 Add New Product button. You can move back and forth to see more products. 📦

Deleting Product From Section

  • You can delete a product from your section. Hover your cursor at the right-hand top 💁‍♀️ of a product you will see the delete button.

  • If you click on the delete icon, you will get a pop-up to confirm if you want to delete the product.

  • If you, click on Yes Remove It the product will be removed from the section it belongs to.

  • The product will be removed.




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