Add Test Step 2

Process Description

You have reached this page because you have already started creating a test. Adding questions to your test is the most important part of creating a test. This is the second stage of creating a test. Once you reach this step you will be redirected to the Question page. The key function of this page is to add questions within the Test you have just created. You will find Add Question just below the Question header. Under Add Question, you will find there are three ways of adding questions.

Ways of Adding Question:

  • Select Question (From question Vault)

  • Import From XLS

  • Add Question

Each of these steps is to make your journey of adding questions much easier and will aid in creating tests as quickly as possible. Each option in the above-mentioned list enables coaching to manage data and add questions faster.

However, in addition to that the Question page serves other purposes as well like:

  • Filtering Added Questions

  • Sowing details of added questions like the number of questions added to the test, Question ID, marking scheme of the questions.

  • You can also edit or delete questions from this page.

Filtering Questions:

Once you are done adding questions to the Test all added questions can be viewed on the Question page. In the Questions section of this page, you can find the option to filter the question by various factors like:

  • Subject - You can filter all questions of the same subject using this filter. If you click on the Subject drop-down you will see all the subjects covered on that particular test and if you click on one of them, you will see all the questions of that particular subject under the questions section of the page.

  • Chapter- If you have already selected the Subject you can now filter the question on the basis of the same chapter. If you click on the Chapter drop-down you will see all the chapters of the selected Subject on the drop-down that is been covered on that particular test. Click on one of them, you will see all the questions of that particular chapter under the questions section of the page.

  • Topic- If you have already selected the Subject and Chapter you can use the topic filter. The Topics are the component of one particular chapter. If you click on the Topic dropdown you will see all the Topics of the selected chapter on the drop-down that is been covered on that particular test. Click on one of them, you will see all the questions of that particular Topic under the questions section of the page.

  • Question Type- Question types are assigned to the question to understand how the examiner wants the entrants to under the questions. There are seven types of Questions in Admisure's platform:

    • Multiple Choice- In MCQ the students get more than one option to choose from as the single correct answer for the question.

    • Multiple Respond- In this question type there will be more than one option to choose from as the correct answer. However, there will be more than one right answer to be chosen from.

    • True/False- In such a question type the student has to either choose True or False against a particular statement.

    • Fill In The Blanks- In this type of question there will be black space in the sentence and students have to fill in the black space with an appropriate answer to complete the sentence.

    • Match The Following- Here students have to match one word with the other that appropriately fits with the other one from the rest of the other choices. However, there will be just an answer option available per word.

    • Match Matrix- In the match matrix there will be multiple words against one word and students have to figure out which one among the multiple words is the correct answer.

    • Single Digit- In this question type, a single number will be the correct answer. There will be a black space where entrants have to write their input.

Below the filtering options, there will be the details of the questions. You can edit and delete already added questions from this page. Let's have a look:

Editing Questions

  • You can add already added questions from under the Questions Section. If you have made any mistakes or spelling mistakes while adding the questions you can do so by clicking on the Edit button beside each question.

  • Apart from editing the questions for any mistake, you can also edit the question to change the language of the questions. However, editing language is only possible if you have selected multi-language while creating the Test Package.

Note: Questions that are indicated by the colour Amber are bilingual. Questions that are indicated in blue are of a single language only.

Deleting Questions

You can delete a single question or all the questions from the test at the same time from the Questions section of the page. At the right-hand end of each question, there is a delete icon. If you want to delete a single question click on the delete icon and the question will be deleted.

If you want to delete more than one question or all the questions at the same time. You can do so by selecting multiple questions or all the questions at the same time and click on the delete icon beside the negative and positive mark fields on the Questions section.

Editing Marking Scheme

If you want to change the marking scheme of the questions you can do so by using the negative and positive marks fields.

  • You may want to change the marking scheme of the test questions.

  • Or by mistake, you have selected different marks for different test questions and want to change them.

  • Click on the Negative and Positive marks button and you can put the new positive and negative marks and click on save.

  • Upon clicking on Save you will see the negative and positive marks of all the questions have changed over.

To read in detail of step by step process of adding questions with each method go to Add New Questions Page.

Last updated