Test Manager

Features and Functionality

You will reach the Test Manager page once you are done creating a Test package. The Tests are the main content of the Test Package that you create. Test Package is the most important sellable product. Creating Tests within Test packages is the most important part of generating your earning. Hence, you should take utmost care while creating a test package. The Test Manager page holds a major responsibility for creating maintaining and filtering Tests. Let's have a look at the functions of this page:


At the very top, there will be three options showing the number of Tests, Subjects covered in tests and Status of Tests. This will help you in keeping a track of all new and old Tests added to your coaching, also it will help you to keep track of subjects type have covered and the status of tests and what work is required on those tests. Let's have a look at the options:

  1. Total No of Tests– This option, shows the number of all the Tests you have added under your coaching from day one till the present day.

  2. Total Number of Subjects- This option, shows how many subjects you have covered in all your Tests.

  3. Status - Under this option, you will see the number of Tests under a different status.

Filtering Tests:

There are three options to filter the Tests. Just beside the Add Test button, you will see three fields; Test Type, Faculty, Select Status. Using these three options you can filter and sort your practice sets.

  • Test Type- By using this filter you will be able to filter the Tests according to their types. There are three test types on Admisure's platform:

    • Full Length- A full-length test means it will consist of all the subjects covered in all the tiers of the exam.

    • Chapter-wise- These are Tests on which only one subject is cover on a single test. However, in the Test Package, there could be multiple chapter-wise tests covering all the exam subjects.

    • Previous Year- These Tests are based on questions that were already there on a particular exam in past few years. This kind of test is generally built because many times there could be common questions from the last five years or just give an idea of the kind of questions the entrant may face on that particular exam.

    • Live Test (Date Enabled): A date enabled live test is a test that can only be attempted within a fixed time. There will be a start and end date along with the time for attempting those tests. Post that time and date aspirants will not be able to attempt that test. Once you select Live Date enabled test there will be a pop up on the webpage for you to put a start and end date. It will also ask for a start time and end time on that particular date to begin the test and to end the test.

    • Sectional Test: A sectional test must have questions related to one or more sections of a particular exam phase or tire.

  • Faculty- You can filter out tests added exclusively by a particular faculty. This will help you in finding and managing tests by a particular faculty very easily.

  • Select Status- You can filter out your tests according to the various status of your tests using this filtering option.

Note: Read about various Statuses and their meaning at the bottom of the page.


Under the Overview, there is the section of Test. The Test section has all the major functionalities. Let's have a look at the details:

  • Test Name- Under this option, the name of the Test is displayed.

  • Subject Name- Under this option the name of the subjects covered on a particular test will be displayed.

  • Duration Of Test- Test duration is the time given to entrants to finish the test. Under this option, that time will be shown.

  • Status- Under this option, the status of a particular test will be displayed. According to various test statuses, various actions can be taken for editing or maintaining or publishing the tests.

  • Actions- The status and action related to each other. According to various statuses, there will be various actions show under the action options.

    • Continue Adding- If the button indicated Continue Adding this would mean your Test can be edit or add questions to it to complete it.

    • Check Details- If the button indicates Check Details it means the Test is in review and you can not make any changes in it like editing or adding questions into your Test.

    • View Analytics- If the button indicates the View Analytics, 📉 this would mean the Test is live and aspirants can access it. On basis of the number of aspirants viewing and attempting your practice set you will see an engagement report.

    • Check Reason- If your Test is under Rejected status you will get the Check Reason button under action. If you click on the Check reason button you will be redirected Check Reason page to check the reason for rejection of the Test. You can edit the Test and submit them for review.

What are the statuses on the Test Manager Page and what do they mean?

  • Under Process – If your Test is under process, this means you are still working on your Test. You are still in process of further editing it.

  • Completed- If your Test is in Completed status, this would mean you have finished creating or editing your Test. However, you have not published it yet.

  • In review- If your Test is In-review, this means you have completed creating your Test and you have published the Test Package. However, the Test package is currently being checked by Admisure's Team to find out if there is any scope of improvement in various tests within your test package.

  • Rejected- If your Test is in rejected status, this means the Admisure team have found there are more than one scope of improvement in your Test Package and you need to re-work your tests. You will have to work on your practice sets to improve them further and resubmit for review.

  • Live- If your Test is in Live status, this would mean your Test Package is being reviewed and accepted by Team Admisure. It is now available in your coaching and you have published the Test Package. However, the Test package is currently being checked by Admisure's Team to find out if there is any scope of improvement in various tests within your test package.

Editing Tests:

Apart from the above-mentioned functions after you create one test at least you can come back to the test manager page and access the Edit, Delete, View and Make Free functions. You will find there will be a button under the "Action" option in the Test section, If you have completed creating your test the button will to "View Details". If your test has not been completed and submitted yet you will see "Under Process" in the action button. However, besides the action button, there will be three dots. If you click on the three dots there be various options depending upon the status of the test.

If the status of the Test is Complete you will find:

  • View- This will show the summary of the test.

  • Edit- The edit option will give you a chance to make changes to your test. If you want to change anything you can click on the edit button and navigate through the four steps to create a test. Make any necessary changes within the tests and update them.

  • Delete - If you feel that your test is not good enough you can delete it. However, before deleting you have to go to the Edit option and navigate to the second step to create a test. There you will get the question listing page. From this page you can delete all the questions then only you can delete a whole test.

  • Make Free- You can make your test free. A free test will give the students an idea of how amazing the whole test package is going to be. This will encourage more students to purchase your product.

    • However, there will be limitations to providing free tests to students.

    • You can only provide 1 free test if your test package has at least 5-10 tests.

    • You can give 2 free tests if have at least 15 to 30 tests within your test package.

    • The maximum number of free tests you can provide is 3. You can only provide three free tests if you have at least 30 and more tests within your test package.


  • If your Test is not completed and is under process you will only get three options View, Edit & Delete.

  • The Make Free option for Tests is only applicable if your Test Package is purchasable and not made free already.

Apart from this, there is one more step left, which is Adding a new test. Go to the Add New Test to read how to create a New Test.

Last updated

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