Add New Test

Features and Functionality

Post completion of creating a Test package it's now time to start creating your tests. The tests are the products that are of huge importance. Without the tests within your Test Package, the Package is as good as nothing. By now you might have already created the test package if not you need to create the Test Package first and then only you can create the tests within it.

The Test series within your Tests package is the only product that can boost your sales. Creating interesting and student-friendly tests will get you to gain new buyers and engagement. Now let's have a look into the details of Tests and their creation process. With Admisure the creation of tests is just a matter of few minutes. Admisure has facilitated all coaching and individual with preloaded templates to be able to create tests with ease. On this page, you will find a brief insight into Test Creation. However, before we jump into the process of creating the tests let's first understand what is Test:

Definition of Test:

A test is a series of questioners, based on one or more subjects that students have to answer. Tests are conducted to test the knowledge of a student on one or more subjects.

Steps to Add Tests within Test Package:

To add a Test you have simply click on Add Test button from the Test manager page. Once you click on Add Test button you will be redirected to Add Test page. These are few steps to follow in creating a test.

Step I

  • The first part of the form will contain all the basic information about the test. Like Exam type, subjects, exam name, marks, duration etc.

  • After filling in the details you will have to click on add instructions.

  • You will be redirected to add instructions for the exams. Add Portal instruction and click on Save. You have to click on the Next button on the right-hand bottom of the page.

  • You will be redirected to add Test Instructions. Once done you have to click on Finish and you will be redirected to Add Test Page.

  • Once you are done click on Create button and then you have to click on the next button at the left-hand side corner of the page to go to the second step of creating Tests.

Step 2

  • You will reach the Add Questions page from where you can add questions to your test packages.

  • There will be three options to add questions into your Test Package.

  • Select Question From Question Vault, Import from Excel and Add questions (Manually). Use any of three methods to add questions to your test.

  • You have to add at least 10 questions to a test to be able to finish it.

  • Once you are done click on the Next button at the left-hand bottom of the page.

Step 3

  • You will reach the Test Setting page where you can customize your tests according to your choice. There will be 5 sections on the Test Setting page:

    • Test Pattern- It is to determine what kind of test do you want to create. There are three kinds of test patterns in Admidure's platform:

      • Section Wise- On a section-wise test there will be section name, there will be section wise exam instruction, section-wise time and difficulty level for each question in the sectional test can be customized.

      • Subject Wise- A subject wise test will have a subject name there will be no subject wise time. In this kind of test, there will be cumulative time to finish the test. The question difficulty can be set for each subject. Subject order can be determined or it may remain the open choice for students to attempt any subject at first.

      • Difficulty Wise- There will be no section or subject name in this type of test. The questions will be having various difficulty levels.

    • Arrangement- This option is to determine if the question in the test are going to be shuffled for each student. If you select yes the question order will be shuffled for the students.

    • Condition setting- This is to determine if the result of the test is going to be published automatically after the test is being attempted or it has to be manual. You can also determine if the test result is going to be in detail or in form of a summary.

    • Multi Attempts- This is to determine how many times the students can take a test. If it's just going to be just once by default or more than one time.

  • Fill in the details of this page and click on next.

Step 4

  • You will be redirected to the Test summary page take a look at the details of the test you have just created and click on Finish test.

  • A test will be now added to your Test Package.

What's Next?

  • You can add multiple tests related to various subjects within the exam type and add them to the package.

  • If you do not wish to add any more tests to your test package you can click on Publish Now button. You can find the button on the Test series Manager page under the Package section and Action option.

  • If you Publish it the test package will be sent to Team admisure for review. If it's fine your test package will be published or else it can be rejected for further improvement.

Note: The above-mentioned steps indicate how to create Tests in brief. If you are proficient and aware of each step of creating Tests within your Test Package you can skip reading the following pages:

However, if you need help and you are interested in reading the details of creating Tests within your test package you can click on the right side down arrow to reach the above-mentioned pages where the detailed process of Test creation is mentioned.

Last updated

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