Practice Sets

Features & Page Set-up

Practice Sets are a free product that your aspirant can access to get help in preparation for their exams. Adding free product to your coaching not only helps student but also helps Coaching to attract more students. On this page, you will find the practice sets that you have added to your coaching with Admisure.

Exam Types in Practice Set 📖

Similar to the Test Series page there will be, the default category "All" available on this page. The All category is also static and can not be removed or edited from this page. All category will contain all approved practice sets irrespective of exam types.

However, if you want to show Practice Sets as per specific exam types you can add exam types like SSC, Banking, Railway and add relevant Practice Sets to those categories.

Steps To Add New Exam Type 📑

  • To add a new exam type within your Practice Set sub-page click on the Add New Exam Type Button. 🔼

  • Select the exam type and define the display order. However, if you are adding an exam type for the first time you will not be able to define the display order as that would be the very first exam type added to the Practice Set page.

  • Click on Add & Next your exam type will be available on the Practice Set page. However, you will be redirected to Add Product option after creating the Exam type.

  • You may choose to add the Practice Set then and there or you can cancel the add product option to view the Exam type you have just created on the Practice Set page.

Note: Kindly follow the Steps to Add Products if you want to add products after creating the Exam type.

Steps To Add New Product Within Exam Type

After adding the exam type you will find it (SSC, Banking, Railway etc.) on the Practice Set page. Select the exam type and at the top right-hand corner of each exam type, you will find the Add New Product button. 🔼

  • To add a product click on the Add New Product button. 🔼

  • Select the product name from the Product field and define the display order from the Display Order field.

  • However, if you are adding a product for the 1st time you will not get an option to select the display. A single product in a section doesn't need a display order.

  • Click on the Add Product button and finish adding the product to your newly created section. 👍

Editing Exam Type Sections

You can edit the section that you have already created.

Hover 🐝 your cursor over the Exam Type name you will find there is a pencil icon ✏️ and a remove icon. 🚮

Click on the pencil icon ✏️ you will get a pop-up to make changes in the name and display order of that particular exam type.

You can make necessary changes and click on the Update button to save changes. 📥


Removing Exam Types

To Remove the Exam Type sections you have to hover your cursor over the name of the section. You will see the remove icon. 🚮

You can click on the remove icon, and you will get a pop-up to confirm if you want to Remove the exam type click on the Yes Remove It and the exam type will be removed from the page.

Note: If you have added a product within your Exam Type you have to first remove the products from the Exam type and then only you will be able to remove the Exam Type.

Sorting By Relevance📂

At the top right-hand-side, of the Practice Set page there is an option of sorting test series by relevance (Sorted By). The Relevance option is static here on this page.

This is the order in which the Practice Sets are arranged by the coaching under each exam type. By default, your aspirants will see the Practice Sets sorted by Relevance. The arrangement, however, is completely upon the coaching's decision. The product in the exam type will be arranged according to the display order defined by the coaching.

Do you know your students can sort your product according to various categories, Relevance, Trending, Highest Rated & Most Attempted?

Students can sort the product and relevant product will be displayed according to the chosen category like Relevance, Trending, Highest Rated & Most Attempted.

Relevance: Practice sets will be displayed according to the arrangement of products pre-defined by coaching.

Tending: Practice Sets that have the maximum number of attempts & view within a very short period are considered to be in trend.

Highest Rated: Practice sets that are highly rated. A product would get good ratings if aspirants find it very helpful.

Most Attempted: These are practice sets that your aspirants have attempted the maximum time.

Last updated