Functions of Pass Manager

Sections and Functions of Page.


In the top section of the Pass Manager, there are three options; Total Number of Active Pass, Last 7 Days Sales Pass Type With No sale & Last 30 Days Sales Pass Type With No sale.

Total Number of Active Pass: Under this option, you will see the count of all the active passes available in your coaching dashboard.

Last 7 Days Sales Pass Type With No sale: In this section, you will see how many passes had been sold in the last 7 days according to the type of passes available.

Last 30 Days Sales Pass Type With No sale: In this section, you will see how many passes had been sold in the last 30 days according to the type of passes available.

Steps To Add Pass:

  • If you want to add a new pass you have to click on the Add Pass button. The Add Pass button is available at the right-hand top of the Pass section. Once you click on it you will be redirected to the Add Pass page.

  • You have to 1st choose your pass from the Pass Type.

  • The validity of the passes will auto reflect on the page as per your chosen Pass Type. The Validity of the passes can not be edited.

  • In the product price field, you have to set the original price of the product while at the discounted price you have to write the price after providing a discount to the aspirants. The student will pay the amount reflected in discounted price.

  • After filling in the details of the pass click on Create button. You will be redirected to the Pass manager page. You will be able to view the pass you have just added below the Pass section header.

Pass Section:

View the pass you have just added under the Pass section.

Under the Pass header, you will see five options. Under these options, the details of the passes you have added will be shown. Let’s have a look at the options:

Pass Type: Under this option, you will see the type of pass Sure, Sure Plus, Sure Pro, Sure Premium.

Validity: Under this option, you will see how long a particular pass is valid for the aspirant.

Price: Under this option, you will see how much each pass costs or the price of passes that you have decided.

Status: Under this section, you will if your pass is On sale or On-hold status.

Action: Under this section, you will see a button (View Sales) to view the sales report for each pass. Beside the View Sales button, you will see three dots. If you click on the dots you will get two options On-Hold/On Sale & Delete.

Delete - if you click on the delete button, your pass will be deleted altogether pass.

On-Hold - If you click on hold, the sales of that particular pass will be on hold. The particular pass will not be sold anymore.

On Sale- If the pass is already on Hold you can click on the option On Sale the pass will be available for sales again.

Filtering Passes:

Passes can be filtered according to their category and status. At the right-hand corner of the pass section, there are two fields apart from the Add Test button; Select Pass Type & Select Status.

Select Pass Type: To filter according to their type you can click on this field and from the dropdown, you can select pass type Sure, Sure Plus, Sure Pro, Sure Premium.

Select Status: To filter passes according to the status you can click on this field and select the particular status; On Hold, On Sales. You can keep the sales of a pass on hold if you want.

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