Add Questions Manually
Process Description
This is a manual process of adding the question. You have to type the question in the editor and save it. There are a few steps to add questions manually. Let’s have a look at them:
Steps to Add Questions Manually:
Choose the subject you want to cover in your test. Example: English, Gen Knowledge etc.
Next, you have to select the chapter related to the exam. It is not mandatory to choose the topic of the question.
Select the type of question from the Question type field. Example- Multiple Choice, True or False, Fill in the blanks etc.
Once all the options in the Choose Options field are filled the editor box will appear so that you can type your question.
Type a single question in the editor and then look for the option.
Choose the right answering option and move on to Add Explanation.
Add Explanation or Solution is very important because here you will put the explanation of choosing an answer. If the aspirant makes mistake in answering a question later they can learn where they went wrong by reading the solution provided. Providing solutions will help the aspirant to learn.
You can also add a video recorded solution as well. You can simply add the video URL in the Video URL field and you are done. (Talk about question specify)
Now check the Advanced Options. Click on the (+) plus sign to open the Advanced Options section.
You can choose to add Question Direction but it is not mandatory.
In the Marks, field put the marks that would be awarded for the right answers.
In the Negative Marks put the marks that will be deducted for a wrong answer.
Select and define how difficult the question would be to answer in the Difficulty Level field.
The Typist will be auto-selected as your user name. However, if you have added a typist under your coaching dashboard you can select the name of the typist in the Typist field.
Faculty Name can be chosen from the drop-down, however; it is not mandatory.
Date Created is also auto-selected.
In case your test has one language you will not see any option for translating questions in a different language.
In case your test package has two languages you will be allowed to create bilingual questions.
You will find a language drop-down to update questions in the second language.
You can click and select the second language and the question will be translated in a different language underneth.
Check the translated question if it is done correctly or not. If further changes are required you can do it and then save it.
After all the sections are filled, you need to click on Save And New to keep on adding other questions or you can also click on Save And Close to stop adding questions.
However, If you click on Save & New you the next page Add Test Question page that will open will have all the options pre-selected as the last Add Test Question page. If you are adding a question related to the same subject and the same chapter having the same question type, you would not need to reselect the options on the next page. But if you want to add a question of a different subject and chapter you have to make the necessary changes.
You must remember you have to add a minimum of 10 questions and you can up to 100 questions max.
How to add bilingual questions (English & Hindi) if you have not created bilingual questions while adding them?
The language of the question will be the language that is already selected for the Test.
If you have selected English only you will have questions in English only.
If you have selected English and Hindi you can add questions in any of the two languages and then if you want your question in the other language you have to click on edit beside each question.
You will be redirected to Edit Question Page, here at the bottom of the page there will be an option to Update Question In Different Language.
Click on the drop-down to select the second language and click on Update.
Please note bilingual questions will be indicated by an orange box and single language questions will be indicated by a blue box.
Each question needs to be converted manually one by one.
Once you click on the Save & Close button you will be redirected to the Question page. You will be able to find the added questions under the Question section of the page.
You will need to now click on the Next button to proceed further. However, if you want to go back to edit something on the Test creation page, you can click on the Back button and make the necessary changes.
If you click on the Next button you will reach the Test Setting page.
Why can't I go to the next page by clicking on the “Next” button after adding questions to my test?
You may not be able to go to the Test Setting page after clicking on the “Next” button in two conditions.
You have to make sure you have added at least 10 questions to your test to move to the Test Setting page.
You have to also make sure if you have created all the questions in one language or made them bilingual.
If you have converted one question into bilingual you have to covert all the questions or else you will not be able to go to the next page.
However, all English language & Hindi Language Test questions will not be converted into a different language.
Last updated
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