Test Manager Related Questions

How to find out the total number of Test Packages You have in your coaching?

You can find how many Test Package you have overview section which will show you the counts of Added Test Packages.

What does the various status of Test Package mean?

The different status of your Test Package indicates the progress of the Test Package creation and what further action is required for it. For detailed information on each Test Package status and its meaning check the Test Series Manager page.

How to Add a Test Package?

You can add a new Test Package simply by clicking on the Add Test Package button on the Test Series Manager page. For set by step instructions on adding a Test Package follow Add Test Package under Test Series Manager.

How to add the validity of a Test Package?

You must choose the validity of your Test Package while creating it. For more details follow Add Test Package under Test Series Manager.

How to choose SEO Title for my Test Package?

You have to understand SEO friendly words are those words that are related to the exam types you are covering within your Test Package. You must use words that are frequently searched by students over search engines like Google, Bing etc. For more details follow Add Test Package under Test Series Manager.

How to choose an effective combination of exams while creating a Test Package?

We suggest you, create a Test Package that would contain exams that has a similar age limit, more or less similar educational qualification requirement. For more follow Package Details.

How to upload a Test Package image?

You can add a test package image while creating your test package for the first time. For details please follow Validity & Test Package Banner.

How many Tests can I add to my Test Package?

There is no limit of Tests that you can add to your Test Package.

How to make a Test Package Free?

You can choose to make a Test Package free by selecting the “Make This Free” option while setting up the Price Setting while creating the Test Package. For more details follow Price Setting.

How to delete a Test Package?

You can Delete the Test Package from the Test Series manager page. There will be three dots beside each test package. If you click on that you will get an option to delete the Test Package. However, you must keep in mind a Live Test package can not be deleted. A test package under review can not be deleted. To delete a Test Package you have to remove the tests within the Test Package .

How to edit a test package?

A test package can be edited till the point it's not submitted for review or it has already been approved as Live. You will get a button indicating various tasks under the Action option of the Package section on the Test Manager page. For more details check the Test Series Manager page.

How do I find how many Tests I have added so far?

You can find the total number of the Tests you have added in the Overview section of Test Manager.

What is the function of the filters on the Test Manager page?

You can filter out your tests according to their chapter, status or other aspects by using filters available on the Test Manager page. To know more follow the Test Manager page.

How to add a New Test?

To add a new test you have to click on the Add Test button available on the Test Manager page. For details follow Add New Test page.

How to edit or delete a Test?

You can edit or delete your test after creating it from under the Test Section of the Test manager page. You will get an Action option underneath the Test Section there will get an indication of various actions you can perform to edit your test. For details check the Test Manager page.

How do I add portal and test instructions to my test?

You can add a portal and a test instruction while creating a Test. For details follow Add Test Step 1.

What is the difference between Portal Instruction & Test Insurrections?

The portal is navigation information of the Test Interface that students will see during their exam. However, Test instructions are information on marking schemes, time limits and general instructions for students to follow during the test.

How do I add questions to my Test?

There are three options to add questions to your Test. You can add questions from the Question Vault, import the questions from XLS files in your system or you can manually add questions to your test. After finishing step one to create the test you will be moved forward to add questions within your test. Follow the Add Test Step 2.

How to import questions from the excel file?

You can add questions from the XLS file by clicking on Import From excel. For details refer to the Import From XLS page.

How to add questions from Question Vault?

You can add questions from the question vault by selecting the option Select Question FromQuestion Vault. For details check the Select Question From Question Vault page.

What should be the correct format for Importing questions through an excel file?

To understand the correct XLS file format Admisure had provided a sample XLS file which you can download from Admisure’s portal to check the correct format before you upload your XSL file.

How to add questions manually?

To add questions manually you have to manually type the questions one by one. For details check Add Questions Manually.

How to allow students to take attempts of tests?

You can allow multiple attempts of the tests from under candidate settings on the third step of creating the test. For details check the Add Test Step 3.

How do I publish my Test Package?

Once you are done creating the Tests you can go back to the Test Package manager page and on that page, you will see the Publish now button under actions. You can Publish your test by clicking on this button. For details check Publish Test Series Pages.

What happens if my test package is rejected?

Do not worry if your test package is rejected. The issues with the test package will be highlighted by Admisure and you can correct them and Re-submit your test package.

How to resubmit my Test Package?

To re-submit the rejected test package you have to edit all the issues in it and submit it. For details check the Re-Submissions page.

Last updated